
An unlimited amount of activities for hours of fun and learning with your new friend!

Talk Mode:
Marbo understands and answers questions!

Marbo understands and answers to 15 vocal commands thanks to voice recognition!Have fun chatting, dancing and singing with your friend!

Imitation Mode:
Marbo loves to repeatwhat you say!

Marbo® loves to repeat what you say with a funny voice! Let's have fun!

"Be my friend" Mode:
Marbo plays and interacts with his Marbo friends!

Marbo® interacts with his friends!
When you introduce two Marbos, they talk, sing and learn together!

Marbo App Mode:
Marbo interactswith your tablet or smartphone!

The free Marbo app available on Apple's App Store and the Google Play Store lets you access a large number of entertaining activities for hours of fun with your penguin robot!

Maths, English, Cognition, Logic...learn and revise with Marbo!

Especially developed for a young audience, this fun app offers limitless and enhanced content.
Feed your friend or listen to Marbo imitates animal sounds and plays musical instruments.
Marbo also knows plenty of stories and songs and loves to play games.

Touch sensors: Marbo reacts to touch!

So cute! Thanks to his touch sensors, Marbo makes funny noises when you touch his head, belly or wings!